Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finding ourselves

Its been interesting ride trying to start up Coffee Shop Productions over the last six years. We've always been in a state of 'trying' to start up. I wouldn't say we have failed because we've actually made a handful of documentaries and corporate films, we've lived the visual production dream. We've written, directed, edited, acted, planned and traveled ourselves into all sorts of experiences. Stuff worth writing whenever we ever get ourselves around to condensing the long sentences. We haven't been able to make a business out of this thing, and in a way this has been able to keep to the real and quite loaded Idealistic passion we started out with; we wanted to start a movement.

My partner in these crimes sit across me today and talks about us not having any visible change and bouts of success or recognition. All the changes have been within. Experiences that we're now proud of and are able to sit back reminisce and laugh together about. Today we were actually talking about what it would be like one day telling each others children, "and then your dad - all balls and glory ran head long into the madness, he actually had the gutsy, stupidity...."

We talked about registering today, an eventuality... well we talked about it. Tomorrow. For today we've just summoned up some more confidence into it all, a little more than we had the last time we have had to conjure it up. Today, a bit more of it as we grow older than the children within us. At the end of the day, it was was great to sit together, able to laugh, and to look around us and see the possibility, the freedom we have to be able to do anything, anything. And how infinitely valuable it is. Also of course, with freedom we talk about our responsibility, to love, life, God and society. We talk about the opportunity and the abilities we have. The power of ideas and the harnessed ability and even talent that we have that we so easily down play for some obscure reason. Responsibility, like the word of God says, to whom much is given, much will be expected. And we know this, especially of the self.